Social Security
  • A Nation of Takers? Behind the Entitlement Explosion

    By Merrill Goozner, The Fiscal Times

    At some point in tonight’s debate, Republican candidate Mitt Romney will be asked about his views on the 47 percent – the beneficiaries of government programs he dismissed as potential supporters...

  • ‘Taxmageddon’ Will Hit 88%, Prompting a New Recession

    By Merrill Goozner, The Fiscal Times

    If the lame duck Congress and President Obama drive over the fiscal cliff on New Year’s eve without passing new tax legislation or extending a host of expiring tax breaks, the average American...

  • Pension Problems: Why Retirement Is So Much Riskier

    By Knowledge Wharton, Knowledge@Wharton

    The growing debt crisis in public sector pensions – governments face a $757 billion shortfall in funding their retirement promises, according to one estimate – is coming at a time when unprecedented...

  • A Once Tight Race Splits in Favor of Obama

    By Josh Boak, The Fiscal Times

    President Obama increasingly looks like a lock for another term in the White House —with his lead over Republican Mitt Romney widening in the must-win states of Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania,...

  • Paul Ryan's Chilly Reception from Retiree Group

    By Andy Sullivan, Reuters

    Republican vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan received a chilly reception from a seniors' group on Friday as he argued that popular health and pension programs for U.S. retirees need to be...