Social Security
  • Romney’s “Victims” vs. Obama’s “Cash Cows”

    With the conventions wrapped, and the presidential race in full swing, voters now have a much clearer idea of how each candidate will run the country -- thanks to two previously unheard pieces of...

  • The 'Bottom Half' Is Essential for a Romney Win

    By Andy Sullivan, Reuters

    GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney isn't backing down from a hidden-camera video that shows him disparaging nearly half the nation's voters. But it was clear Tuesday he has a lot more explaining...

  • Can California Change How We Save for Retirement?

    By Mark Miller, Reuters

    The California state legislature recently passed a bill laying the groundwork for the California Secure Choice Retirement Savings Program (SCP): a government-sponsored retirement-savings vehicle that...

  • Billions Wasted on Approved Bogus Disability Claims

    By Josh Boak, The Fiscal Times

    Social Security disability claims are being awarded haphazardly—potentially costing taxpayers billions of dollars—as federal officials try to work through a massive backlog of cases, according to a...

  • 117,000 Americans Get Jobless and Disability Benefits

    By Josh Boak, The Fiscal Times

    Roughly 117,000 Americans double-dipped by cashing unemployment and Social Security disability checks during the height of the jobs crisis, costing taxpayers a combined $856 million in fiscal 2010...