The 10 Best-Selling Video Games of 2014

The 10 Best-Selling Video Games of 2014

The Fiscal Times Staff  // 

Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare

U.S. Unit Sales: 5.8 Million

Publisher: Activision

Genre: FPS/War

Platforms: Xbox One, PS4, Xbox 360, PS3, PC

Another year, another cookie-cutter, Ameri-centric entry in the insipid "Call of Duty" series. Despite having single-player campaigns that get shorter and shorter with each iteration — this one must last about 15 minutes by this point — these games still manage to sell well since they're one of only two console titles where gamers are guaranteed to find multiplayer action anytime (the other being the bug-ridden "Battlefield").

But hey! This one's different! It's got Kevin Spacey!
