Student Loans
  • The Trouble with Free Access to Community College

    By Donald E. Heller, The Conversation

    Last week, President Barack Obama announced a proposal to guarantee that students could attend a community college for free for their first two years. The announcement was one in a series of previews...

  • Save for Retirement and Still Pay Your Kids’ College Costs

    By Ivory Johnson, CNBC

    You can borrow money for a college education but not for your retirement. It's what we, as financial experts, truly believe. But a constant tug-of-war between 401(k) plans and Section 529 college...

  • Financial Aid Errors No College Student Should Make

    By Liz Weston, Reuters

    One of the worst mistakes you can make with college financial aid is simply failing to file the all-important Free Application for Federal Student Aid.

  • How We’re Secretly Funding College Athletic Programs

    By David Ridpath, The Conversation

    Parents, government officials, and tuition-paying students are all seeking solutions to the skyrocketing costs of higher education and the burden of student debt. Currently, public universities in...

  • Financial Aid Haggling: How Far Can You Go?

    By Liz Weston, Reuters

    My daughter learned this little ditty in preschool: "You get what you get, and you don't get upset." Parents who are convinced they can haggle their way to a better financial aid package might want...