Student Loans
  • The Smarter Way to Borrow for College

    The headlines are alarming: Borrowers are defaulting on student loans at the highest rate in 20 years, and millennials burdened with too much debt may be pushing off marriage and home ownership...

  • 		<p>Vassar students who study art history abroad in St. Petersburg are allowed unlimited access to the Hermitage Museum, as well as the Russian Museum. They are taught by Hermitage curators and professors at the city’s European University. All students r

    An Uncommon Way to Slash College Costs

    By Kelli B. Grant, CNBC

    Determining the value of a college degree requires some new math: currency conversion. The appeal of not just studying abroad, but getting a degree abroad, seems particularly attractive amid rising U...

  • The $28,000 Debt Few American Grads Can Pay Back

    The amount that students with college loans owed at graduation grew last year, although the amount owed per student varies greatly by state. Graduates with college debt in New Hampshire owed an...

  • The Truth Behind Soaring Student Debt Levels

    By Jason Lange, Reuters

    Young Americans with big college debts are often portrayed as struggling to pay their bills. The reality is somewhat different - those owing super-sized student loans tend to be higher paid. A...

  • How To Really Fix Our Student Debt Crisis

    One of my favorite statistics that nobody knows is that the federal government already spends enough on higher education in grants and tax breaks — about $66.7 billion — to cover the cost of tuition...