Student Loans
  • Eliminating banks as middle men for federally guaranteed college loans will save $68 billion over the next 11 years.

    It’s Time to Tame the College Admissions Monster

    By Maureen Mackey, The Fiscal Times

    No group of people in America is checking their inboxes more often than high school seniors, desperate to learn if they’ve been admitted to the college of their choice. Among America’s most elite...

  • The College Lawsuit That Will Make Your Jaw Drop

    By John Leo, Minding the Campus

    Members of Wesleyan’s Delta Kappa Epsilon chapter are suing the school for discrimination after being forced to accept women in order to remain on campus. For the record, the university has an array...

  • The Biggest Money Scam on College Campuses

    By Liz Weston, Reuters

    Families receiving college financial aid offers this spring should beware: What they see this year may not be what they get next year. Some colleges make their most generous offers to high school...

  • The Parrot AR is the most popular drone on the consumer market. With a built-in camera capable of capturing 720HD video and Wi-Fi capabilities, it can soar through the sky for roughly 18 to 20 minutes. (source: <a href="

    Drones Are the Hot New Field for Degrees and Jobs

    By Marcy Thompson, CNBC

    In a field a few miles from Florida's Daytona Beach, some college students are flying drones. The scene is nothing out of the ordinary except these students are not doing it because it's their hobby...

  • Tuition-Free College for a Select Few, for Real

    By Liz Weston, Reuters

    While U.S. President Obama's proposal for free community college tuition may get little traction in a Republican-controlled Congress, there are already a few ways to get a higher education without...