Student Loans
  • Millennials Give Credit Cards the Cold Shoulder

    Although credit card use is an important tool in building a credit profile as a consumer, a large portion of young adults are just saying no to plastic, according to a new poll from

  • The Best Way to Get Your Student Loan Forgiven

    By Eric Rosenbaum, CNBC

    Everyone knows the alarming news about student loans: It's grown to become the second-largest source of consumer debt in the U.S. behind only home mortgages, surpassing credit card debt since the...

  • Starbucks window

    Free Online College Tuition for Starbucks Baristas

    By Lisa Baertlein, Reuters

    Starbucks Corp is expanding its employee college tuition assistance program to cover the entire cost of getting an online bachelor's degree, the chief executive of the coffee chain said on Monday...

  • This Tech Flop Is Hurting Our Student Loan Programs

    By Brianna Ehley, The Fiscal Times

    The Department of Education’s massive computer system that stores data for more than 40 million Americans with student loans is so outdated and slow it can’t track how many people are actually...

  • The College Tax Breaks Many Families Are Missing

    By Liz Weston, Reuters

    You may need a degree just to understand the tax breaks available for a college education. That is unfortunate, because there is evidence that many families are missing out on the available credits...