Student Loans
  • The Big New Bloat in University Research

    By Richard Vedder, Minding the Campus

    Like compulsive Las Vegas gamblers, many university presidents like to make big bets hoping for large payoffs. And like most gamblers, they usually lose. But they have a big advantage over those...

  • The Shocking Goodbye Gifts to College Presidents

    By Richard Vedder, Minding the Campus

    Brandeis University gave a surprising good-bye present to former president Jehuda Reinharz: a post-retirement compensation package of $600,000 a year for little apparent work. Indeed, Reinharz is...

  • Free Online Courses Face a Watershed Moment

    By Rachelle DeJong, Minding the Campus

    As Georgia Tech gears up for its new MOOC-like master's degree program slated to launch this spring, The Wall Street Journal reports that applications from would-be students are dramatically...

  • Why the MOOC Movement Is Now

    By Rachelle DeJong, Minding the Campus

    As Georgia Tech gears up for its new MOOC-like master's degree program slated to launch this spring, The Wall Street Journal reports that applications from would-be students are dramatically...

  • Here’s Why Colleges Are Flunking Cost Control

    By Richard Vedder, Minding the Campus

    The College Board has released its annual report Trends in College Prices , and never has a seemingly boring document full of tables and graphs revealed more about American higher education. Five...