Student Loans
  • When 'Need Blind' Universities Really Aren't

    By Marian Wang, ProPublica

    George Washington University, which got in trouble last year for misreporting admissions data to bolster its college ranking, is making yet another confession. The university has been misrepresenting...

  • Eliminating banks as middle men for federally guaranteed college loans will save $68 billion over the next 11 years.

    One Man's Uncommon Fix for Outrageous Student Debt

    By Maureen Mackey, The Fiscal Times

    As millions of American high school seniors apply to college, how many will be able to pay for four years when the cost of attending a private university runs as much as $40,000 to $60,000 a year? It...

  • U.S. May Be Emailing You about Your Student Loans

    Many Americans struggling under student debt could get relief under the government’s debt repayment programs, but they either don’t know about them, or aren’t aware that they qualify. The Department...

  • The Parenting Decision That Could Ruin Your Retirement

    By Libby Kane, LearnVest

    According to a July study from lender Sallie Mae, 85% of parents “strongly believe that college is a smart investment in their student’s future. And they’re putting their money where their values are...

  • Why MOOCs Aren't So Cheap ... for Colleges

    By Rachelle DeJong, Minding the Campus

    The "Massive" in MOOC refers to class size, but one might think it stands for cost savings as well. MOOCs are free for students who register and cheap for those who seek credit. Few colleges and...