Student Loans
  • Warren Targets Student Loans As Key Campaign Issue

    By Brianna Ehley, The Fiscal Times

    Democrats are enlisting their rising star, Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), to drum up attention for one of their key campaign platforms ahead of the midterm elections. The liberal firebrand from...

  • How Student Health Fees Are Wasted by Colleges

    By Jenna Ashley Robinson, Minding the Campus

    Across the country, student health centers are showing signs of financial bloat and costly mission creep. Funded by both hefty campus health fees and payments from students' insurers, university...

  • Texas Stars in Higher Ed Cost Transparency

    By Thomas K. Lindsay, Minding the Campus

    For years, Washington has failed to make universities accountable to the students and taxpayers funding them. This failure was epitomized by the 2008 Higher Education Opportunity Act, which forbade...

  • The High Cost of Teaching Kids Chinese

    By Chris Taylor, Reuters

    From schools with Mandarin enrichment, to immersion programs overseas, to lessons with private tutors, the Chinese-language options for everyone from toddlers to teens seem to be multiplying by the...

  • Pros and Cons of Paying Off Your Student Loans Early

    By Steve Nicastro, The Fiscal Times

    While paying off your student loans early seems like a no-brainer, it might not always be the best financial decision. In some cases, it could make better sense for you to put your money to work...