Student Loans
  • High Court Affirms Ban on Race-Based College Admissions

    By Robert Barnes and WILLIAM BRANIGIN, The Washington Post

    The Supreme Court on Tuesday upheld Michigan’s ban on the use of racial preferences in university admissions, reversing a lower court decision that had tossed out the prohibition. By a 6 to 2 vote,...

  • College-Bound Girls Are Financially Savvy

    By Kelley Holland, CNBC

    Girls and money smarts: perfect together. When it comes to planning financially for the future, girls are at least as financially savvy as boys. At least, that's the finding in Junior Achievement and...

  • As more small local institutions join the student loan game, college kids will have even more options for private loans.

    Getting a Job Will Be Easier for the Class of 2014

    By Mark Koba, CNBC

    College graduates this spring should have an easier time finding a job than last year's class, according to a new survey from the National Association of Colleges and Employers.

  • Colleges Trick Parents on Financial Aid Awards

    By Liz Weston, Reuters

    The confusing and sometimes misleading financial aid letters that colleges send out this time of year can cause unsuspecting families to sign up for educations they can't afford, college experts warn...

  • Teens Are More Worried About Money Than We Think

    Today’s teens are worried about more than just the latest antics of Justin Bieber or Johnny Manziel. Eighty percent of teenagers ages 13 to 17 are concerned about finding a good job, and more than...