Student Loans
  • Congrats Class of 2014…for Being the Most Indebted Class Ever

    By Brianna Ehley, The Fiscal Times

    When graduates of the class of 2014 accept their diplomas this year they will leave their college campuses with the unique and unfortunate distinction of racking up the most student debt ever...

  • Economic forces thwart a generation's ability to find work, possibly stifling their earning power for decades.

    One More Slam Against Millennials in the Workplace

    By Allison Linn, CNBC

    As the latest crop of millennials collect their diplomas and head into the work force, they'll be facing a host of stereotypes: That they are entitled, lazy and/or lack a strong work ethic. Join the...

  • 4 Smart Money Tips for New Grads

    By Beth Pinsker, Reuters

    When her son recently turned 18, Lisa Kirchenbauer and her husband had him sign papers to take control of an account for minors they had long ago set up as a college fund - which had grown to about $...

  • Families face a four-month coverage gap during which they will have to cover their children's medical bills.

    College Grads May See Brighter Hiring Outlook

    By Pamela Prah, Stateline

    America’s jobs machine finally may be churning out jobs for new college grads. That is particularly true for students who majored in math or science, though the number of jobs available in those...

  • Eliminating banks as middle men for federally guaranteed college loans will save $68 billion over the next 11 years.

    Where You Go to College Doesn’t Really Matter

    By Liz Weston, Reuters

    The first large-scale study of college graduates' success in life using measures other than salary reached some potentially revolutionary conclusions. It also changed how at least one of the...