Health Care
  • Bacon

    The Big Fat Lie We’ve Been Fed About Our Diet

    By Maureen Mackey, The Fiscal Times

    Be honest: That bacon, egg and cheese breakfast you scarfed down the other day was so delicious you’d love to have it for breakfast every morning. But like so many other health-conscious, weight-...

  • Company healthcare

    A Million Americans Get Wrong Obamacare Subsidies

    By AMY GOLDSTEIN and Sandhya Somashekhar, The Washington Post

    The government may be paying incorrect subsidies to more than 1 million Americans for their health plans in the new federal insurance marketplace and has been unable so far to fix the errors,...

  • Medical technology has increased quality of life in myriad ways. But that same science has proven painful and costly for mid-death patients.

    How Hepatitis C Could Wallop the U.S. in Next Decades

    By Futurity Org, Futurity

    Testing and treating the oversized prison population in the United States for hepatitis C could make it easier to stave off a national epidemic, but how to pay for it remains elusive. Nearly 4...

  • Consumers are sounding off about the downside of generic drugs

    Better Fill Your Prescription Fast in So. California

    By Cnbc Staff, CNBC

    Some 1,400 Kaiser Permanente pharmacists are threatening to go on strike Monday, an event that could inconvenience nearly 4 million people insured by the health care provider. The Orange County...

  • The One Risk Businesses Worry About Most

    What’s got businesses most worried? It’s not the economy. While economic uncertainty and the potential threats from weather disasters, cybercrime, and legal compliance all remain concerns, the one...