Health Care
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    What If You Could Print What You Eat ...

    By Linda Federico-O'Murchu, CNBC

    If you're not excited by 3D printing it's because you're not thinking big enough, say some technology visionaries who predict that life on Earth will soon radically change because of it. According to...

  • Sickest Patients Could Be Shifted Off Employer Plans

    By Jay Hancock, Kaiser Health News

    Can corporations shift workers with high medical costs from the company health plan into online insurance exchanges created by the Affordable Care Act ? Some employers are considering it, say...

  • Why U.S. Latinos Are Heading to Mexico for Health Care

    By Anna Gorman, Kaiser Health News

    TIJUANA, Mexico – Irma Montalvo signed up for a health plan through California's new insurance exchange last month, getting coverage for the first time in eight years. But when she needed treatment...

  • The Hospice Industry’s Frightening New Failure

    By Peter Whoriskey and Dan Keating, The Washington Post

    TAMPA — The 85-year-old hospice patient was close to death. Ying Tai Choi lay on a hospital bed arranged in the living room of her daughter’s house. A pulse oximeter pinged an intermittent warning...

  • How Head Trauma and Homelessness Are Linked

    By Futurity Org, Futurity

    A recent study of homeless men in Toronto shows that almost half had suffered at least one traumatic brain injury in their life and the majority of those injuries occurred before the men lost their...