5 Amazing Things You Must Know About Coffee
Life + Money

5 Amazing Things You Must Know About Coffee

National Coffee Day isn’t just about being able to grab a free cup of joe at your local Dunkin’ Donuts, McDonald’s or Kripsy Kreme. It’s also an opportunity to learn more about the delicious hot drink and its many benefits.

In recent years, a large study from researchers at the National Institutes of Health found that coffee increases longevity and reduces the occurrence of stroke and of heart disease.

Related: Don’t Take This Job If You Don’t Love Coffee

While these benefits have been well reported, there are other advantages to drinking coffee. Here are five compelling facts about our favorite morning drink that you may not have known:

Coffee is good for your teeth. Drinking coffee appears to curb tooth loss due to gum disease and ultimately help you keep your teeth, at least if you’re an adult male, according to a Boston University study highlighted by Futurity.org. “Coffee consumption may be protective against periodontal bone loss in adult males,” the study concluded.

Coffee improves your memory. Johns Hopkins University researchers found that caffeine enhanced memory performance 24 hours after administration and also enhanced the consolidation of long-term memory, according to Futurity.

Coffee affects boys more than girls after puberty. The effects of caffeine on heart rate and blood pressure are greater for boys than they are for girls, both of whom are consuming more coffee, according to researchers at the University of Buffalo. For girls, menstrual cycles can also change the way caffeine affects them, as reported by a Futurity article.

Related: 8 Things You Didn’t Know About Coffee

Birds help protect your coffee. An aggressive coffee bean pest, the coffee berry borer beetle, threatens beans all over the world, according to a Futurity article – but there’s help. When farmers leave patches of coffee plantations as untouched rainforest, a higher concentration of birds eat the pest, protecting the coffee beans and maximizing crop yields, researchers at Stanford University discovered.

Coffee carries DNA-destroying toxins. But don’t worry – there’s also good news here. Our saliva and common proteins from blood and muscle appear to protect human cells from these powerful toxins, which are called pyrogallol-like polyphenols, according to a Johns Hopkins University study.

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