With its baby-faced dictator Kim Jung Un threatening to rain nuclear missiles down on Asia and even the west coast of the U.S., it’s not surprising that North Korea remains the most reviled and unpopular country among Americans.
The latest Gallup World Affairs survey shows that 86 percent of Americans view North Korea unfavorably, even more than Iran, Syria, Afghanistan and Iraq. The survey was conducted Feb. 1-5, before what looked like a North Korean-ordered assassination of Kim’s estrange half-brother in a Malaysian airport, and North Korea’s testing of a ballistic missile in violation of U.N. resolutions while the Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was conferring with President Trump in Florida.
Trump has done a little saber rattling with North Korea, declaring that the latest missile test was “absolutely intolerable.” But it’s far from clear what Trump can do to deter the North Korean leader’s drive to become the biggest nuclear weapons bully on the block.