Nestle Ice Cream
You may think you’re buying a “pint” or a “half-gallon” of ice cream at the store, but not anymore. The 64-ounce half-gallons of Nestle’s Bryers and Edy’s shrank to 56 ounces sometime around 2006, according to Dworsky, and went to 48 ounces in 2008, holding almost two cups less than the original container. Then the company downsized their once-pint sized Haagen Dazs containers by 12.5 percent to 14 ounces by tapering it in the middle so the change is almost impossible to spot. When Dworsky asked for comment, Nestle credited the rising costs of dairy and energy, and said the quantity is clearly marked on the product with “no intent to deceive.”
Photo: MousePrint.org