Paul Ryan
  • The Next President Will Step into Deficit Hell

    By Knowledge Wharton, Knowledge@Wharton

    To hear the candidates tell it, the presidential election offers a dramatic choice on the economy: Vote for me, each says, if you want a robust recovery; pick my opponent, and we'll plunge back into...

  • Romney to Roll Out Details of Economic Plan

    By Philip Rucker and David Nakamura, The Washington Post

    Republican Mitt Romney, who last week struggled with his responses to a major ­foreign-policy crisis in the Middle East, will now turn his focus back to the economy with a new offensive aimed at...

  • Policy Bigwigs Sound the Alarm over 'Fiscal Cliff'

    By Josh Boak and Eric Pianin, The Fiscal Times

    With Congress back in session, two competing views have emerged about the impact of the looming fiscal cliff—it’s either the jolt needed for politicians to finally rise above their philosophical...

  • The Real Nightmare: An Election That Changes Nothing

    By Maureen Mackey, The Fiscal Times

    Bob Woodward told The Fiscal Times, in an interview about his new book, that “getting this country’s financial house in order should be one of the main topics” of this year’s presidential election.

  • OMB: Sequestration Could Cut Defense by 9.4 Percent

    The White House released a report on Friday warning of the adverse impact of $110 billion of indiscriminate, across-the-board spending cuts unless Congress and the administration can agree on a way...