Paul Ryan
  • ‘Taxmageddon’ Will Hit 88%, Prompting a New Recession

    By Merrill Goozner, The Fiscal Times

    If the lame duck Congress and President Obama drive over the fiscal cliff on New Year’s eve without passing new tax legislation or extending a host of expiring tax breaks, the average American...

  • Dems Let Obama Off the Hook for the Bad Economy

    By Josh Boak, The Fiscal Times

    Despite mixed economic signals and warnings about the country getting dropkicked into recession next year by the “fiscal cliff,” consumer confidence has climbed in parallel with President Obama’s...

  • Debate No. One: What to Expect from Obama and Romney

    By CHRIS CILLIZZA, The Washington Post

    It’s a tremendously rare moment in politics when everything and everyone stops for a single event. Wednesday night’s first general election debate between President Obama and former Massachusetts...

  • End the Health Care Tax Break: Reduce Coverage?

    By Merrill Goozner, The Fiscal Times

    Health care insurance benefits have been excluded from taxable income since 1943, when the National War Labor Board ruled employers, who were offering health plans as a way to attract workers without...

  • Amid Debate Prep, Biden and Ryan Work for Votes

    By Jeff Mason, Reuters

    Vice President Joe Biden and Republican rival Paul Ryan sought votes in political battleground states on Saturday while their running mates took a day off the campaign trail ahead of a potentially...