The Top 9 Summer Insects to Avoid and How

The Top 9 Summer Insects to Avoid and How


Africanized Honey Bee

What it does: Also known as killer bees, the bees reached the U.S. in 1990. Extremely dangerous, hundreds of the bees will attack one intruder at once. Although their venom has the same potency as a native honeybee, they are able to kill because of the number of stings they can inflict on a human.  They are also particularly deadly because they attack people and animals within a quarter mile range of their hive. It doesn’t take much to provoke them, and when provoked, they remain agitated for around 24 hours.

What to do: In the event of an attack, a cover your head with your shirt and run away from the area. Do not stop running until you reach shelter. If stung, the victim should quickly remove the stinger(s) by scraping it, not pulling it. Apply cool compresses to relieve pain and ease swelling. If your breathing is impaired, if you have been stung more than 15 times, or if you are feeling ill, seek urgent medical attention. 

Flickr/Evan Bench