Oscars 2015: The Nominees’ Worst Films

Oscars 2015: The Nominees’ Worst Films


Ethan Hawke – Mystery Date (1991, Warner Bros)

Following his roles in Dead Poets Society, Reality Bites and Before Sunrise, Ethan Hawke was poised to take on the mantle of Gen X heartthrob that Leo DiCaprio would eventually assume. A combination of bad choices and a notoriously prickly attitude sapped much of Hawke’s promise, and it is really only his relationship with fellow Austin native Richard Linklater that has kept him from a career full of B movies (Training Day aside).

For the absolute worst though, you really need to go to his pre-fame leading role in Mystery Date. Part of a spate of largely interchangeable late ‘80s/early 90’s raunchy teen sex comedies, Mystery Date has the distinction of being actually worse than the nearly identical License to Drive, which starred ‘80s punch lines Corey Haim and Corey Feldman.

1991, Warner Bros