7 Travel Secrets from Frequent Flyers

7 Travel Secrets from Frequent Flyers

Phone time + face time = better odds

Sooner or later, it happens: A canceled or delayed flight forces a change in travel plans. Double your chances of getting successfully rebooked by getting on the phone with customer service as you stand in line, Stallings says.

"I've done that many times," he says. Stranded in London thanks to a snowstorm in New York, "I was able to rebook when, if I'd waited 10 more minutes, the flight would have been full."

Experienced fliers keep a phone handy while traveling, along with a list of customer service numbers for the airlines and a backup airline or two, just in case.

If getting stuck on the tarmac means you'll likely miss a connecting flight, this is the time to use your phone to rebook, Stallings says. In some cases, if the connecting flight is with the same airline, you may find you've been rebooked automatically.

No matter what, your carry-on always should contain a snack and a bottle of water, he says. For water, either buy a bottle or fill your own container after you've cleared security.

REUTERS/John Gress