Student Loans
  • The New University Core Curriculum: Job Training

    By Richard Vedder, Minding-the-Campus

    Why do students go to college? A new poll has a one-word answer: money. That’s one of the findings in a broad Gallup survey of college admissions officers done for Inside Higher Ed. The admissions...

  • Wealthy Foreigners Fund Charter Schools for Visas

    By Stephanie Simon, Reuters

    It's been a turbulent period for charter schools in the U.S., with financial analysts raising concerns about their stability and regulators in several states shutting down schools for poor...

  • College Marketing Experts Set Sights on Kids Who Pay

    By Julie Halpert, The Fiscal Times

    The economic downturn and growing competition among institutions is causing many schools to employ sophisticated marketing operations to increase their pool of applicants, including more that can pay...

  • Student Loans: 1 in 5 Households in Debt

    By Sheryl Nance Nash, The Fiscal Times

    In just five years, the country’s student loan burden has gone from bad to worse. Last year, outstanding student loan debt surpassed $1 trillion, and according to a new report out today from the Pew...

  • Parents: How Much College Do You Owe Your Kids?

    By Julie Halpert, The Fiscal Times

    Discussing who will pay for college is something that plays out in many households across the country, as parents struggle with trying to get their children to their dream schools without incurring...