Student Loans
  • Your Guide to the Looming Battle over Student Loans

    By Brianna Ehley, The Fiscal Times

    Democrats and Republicans are both scrambling to prevent the rate from jumping, but they have very different solutions. Under current law, Congress sets the rates on Stafford loans, but lawmakers in...

  • 10 Things You Don’t Know About Obama’s New Econ Guru

    By Josh Boak, The Fiscal Times

    President Obama has a new top economic adviser—Jason Furman, a Harvard PhD whose links to the administration stretch back to the 2008 presidential campaign, making him one of the president’s longest...

  • Why Wealthier Students Get More College Aid

    By Reuters

    Low-income students are increasingly bypassed when colleges offer applicants financial aid, as schools compete for wealthier students who can afford rising tuition and fees, according to a public...

  • 10 Smart Ways to Cut College Costs

    By Staff Learnvest, LearnVest

    There are ways to manage college costs that don’t involve applying for a second mortgage. We spoke to some experts for creative suggestions on how to lower the giant price tag.

  • SAT Tests: Another Drain on the Family Budget

    By Blaire Briody, The Fiscal Times

    The industry around college entrance exams like the SAT and ACT -- with millions of dollars spent on test fees, administration, and preparation– is booming.