Student Loans
  • Could This Idea Stop the Student Debt Crisis?

    By Josh Boak, The Fiscal Times

    For college graduates drowning in student debt, bankruptcy has not been much of an option. The liberal Center for American Progress unveiled on Tuesday a potential fix—establish two types of college...

  • Take These Classses to Get a Job After College

    By Kelly Grant, CNBC

    Because students by definition have less work experience, experts say the right mix of courses taken and skills learned during their time on campus can improve the odds of filling that talent gap and...

  • Obama Spouts Populism As His Party Tacks Left

    By Josh Boak and Eric Pianin, The Fiscal Times

    Democrats are going back to their liberal populist roots, ensuring that the clash against laissez faire Republicans will only get louder and fiercer in the months ahead. Hardcore progressives...

  • Why Students are Rejecting the “Top” Colleges

    A study released this week by Sallie Mae found that 67 percent of families eliminated colleges based on cost, up from 56 percent of students in 2009. Given concerns over their own job security and...

  • How a Family Loan Pool Helps With College Costs

    By Jennifer Hoyt Cummings, Reuters

    One financing option for families who want to help relatives pay for school but don't want to give a handout is a family loan pool, a trust for dispersing low-interest student loans to their kin.