Student Loans
  • How to Nab Free Money for College

    By Kelley Holland, CNBC

    Getting to college is almost a full time job these days. Between standardized tests, lengthy applications and the search for financial aid, many high school students devote many hours each week to...

  • The New SATs and the Great Delusion of Excellence

    By Peter Wood, Minding the Campus

    The College Board is reformulating the SAT. Again. The new changes, like others that have been instituted since the mid 1990s, are driven by politics. David Coleman, head of the College Board, is...

  • More Financial Aid May Push Up College Prices

    By Kelley Holland, CNBC

    Experts say parents who try to negotiate their children's merit aid packages can help fuel an arms race: The more aid a college shells out, the more it has to make up the difference somewhere else—...

  • Why Inequality Among Colleges Is on the Rise

    By Jonathan Marks, Minding the Campus

    College fundraising was up 9 percent last year, says the Council for Aid to Education, but there's a worrisome statistic: 17 percent of the $34 billion raised went to ten already wealthy institutions...

  • The College Failure That Costs Taxpayers $12B a Year

    By Richard Vedder, The Fiscal Times

    Critics of American higher education usually focus on the deficiencies of college graduates: For example, their critical thinking isn't much better than that of college freshmen, or they increasingly...