Student Loans
  • Student Loan Debt Is a Drag on Your Health

    It’s no secret that graduating with high student debt will be a financial burden for years, but loads of student debt also impacts your well-being and health.

  • ID Thieves Could Ruin a College Student’s Financial Future

    Without much money or assets of their own yet, college students don’t typically worry about identity theft – but a new name, social security number and clean reputation are all ID thieves need to...

  • Student Debt Relief Scams on the Rise

    By Herb Weisbaum, CNBC

    Millions of Americans are struggling to pay off their student loans and desperate to find a way to lower those monthly payments. Scammers know this, so they've created phony student loan "debt relief...

  • Should You Steal from Your Kid’s College Fund?

    By Chris Taylor, Reuters

    Lauren Greutman felt sick. She and her husband Mark were about $40,000 in debt, and were having trouble paying their monthly bills. As recent homebuyers, the couple from Syracuse, New York, were...

  • How You Might Qualify for Student Loan Forgiveness

    By Sharon Epperson, CNBC

    For many members of the class of 2014 who borrowed money to attend college, the clock is ticking on what is likely to be their biggest expense after graduation. They'll have to start paying back...