Career Economics
  • Last-Minute Tax Moves That Can Still Save You Money

    With the deadline to file income taxes less than a month away, you may think you’re stuck with last year’s receipts and documents. But there are a few key contributions you can still make before...

  • Marketing/Advertising Executive

    It’s Not Looks, It’s What You Do That Gets Dates

    It used to be that a woman’s dream date was a hunky firefighter or a tough cop – or pretty much anyone wearing a uniform. These days, though, a well-tailored suit is the only uniform necessary to...

  • Pi Day Celebrates the Most Irrational Number of All

    By Daniel Ullman, The Conversation

    Math students everywhere will be eating pies in class this week in celebration of what is known as Pi Day, the 14th day of the 3rd month. The symbol π (pronounced paɪ in English) is the sixteenth...

  • 		<p>They call him Bear.  He's a Battlefied Extraction-Assist Robot who can lift and carry wounded soldiers to safety and triage. And he's even stronger than Forrest Gump--he can carry up to 500 pounds!</p>

    Why Robots May Be Blocking Your Job Promotion

    By Cnbc Staff, CNBC

    More linebacker than running back, Baxter is a tough, reliable worker. His arm span is wide and he takes instruction well, all valuable assets on a manufacturing shop floor. Baxter is a robot and...

  • If you worked 40 hours a week, you would have to make <b>$480,769,231 per hour</b> to earn a trillion dollars in a year.

    When Work and Life Collide, Employees Can Lose It

    By Futurity Org, The Fiscal Times

    People whose family life regularly gets in the way of their work are more likely to become emotionally exhausted and, in turn, verbally abusive to coworkers and loved ones, a new study suggests. The...