Job Market
  • Be a Great Hacker, Get a Great Job

    By Mary Thompson, CNBC

    At the Money 2020 Hackathon in Las Vegas, there's more than just the $125,000 in prize money at stake. Winners here may also land a job with one of the hackathon's sponsors PayPal. "They get to learn...

  • Actor

    The Truth About Robots and Your Job

    By Mark Hamrick, Bankrate

    Man versus robot is a common - and often chilling - storyline in science fiction. Most apocalyptic are the Arnold Schwarzenegger "Terminator" movies, where people are on the run from killer robots in...

  • Aging Americans Push for More Flextime

    By Marcie Pitt-Catsouphes, The Conversation

    There are two quiet trends that might very well transform the structure of work in the near future. First, a majority of today’s employees expect to work beyond the traditional retirement age of 65,...

  • The Truth Behind Soaring Student Debt Levels

    By Jason Lange, Reuters

    Young Americans with big college debts are often portrayed as struggling to pay their bills. The reality is somewhat different - those owing super-sized student loans tend to be higher paid. A...

  • The New Post-Retirement Opportunity for Millions

    By Mark Miller, Reuters

    “You must do the thing you cannot do,” Eleanor Roosevelt once wrote. It’s the only way to overcome the fears we all face in doing something new, she thought, and take a leap into the unknown. Kate...