Job Market
  • Why Silicon Valley Is Rushing to Aid the Oil Industry

    By Ernest Scheyder, Reuters

    The tech geeks are coming to the oil industry's rescue. With the price of crude plumbing lows not seen since 2009, Royal Dutch Shell , Whiting Petroleum Corp and many others are turning to rocket...

  • Reach your financial goals by setting weekly and monthly saving plans.

    When It Comes to Money, Your Gut Is Your Best Guide

    By Chris Taylor, Reuters

    Gather round because here is today's personal-finance lesson inspired by famed Hollywood screenwriter William Goldman: Nobody knows anything. In other words, no one knows where the market is headed...

  • <strong>Percent Growth:</strong> 36.4%<br/><strong>No. Jobs Added:</strong> 36.4k<br/><strong>Typical Education Needed:</strong>Doctoral or professional degree<br/><br/><em>Source: <a href="" target="_blank">B

    The Secret Success of Today’s Biohackers

    By Ellen Jorgensen, Techonomy

    In a laboratory in New York City, molecular biologist Roy Buchanan is finishing up at the bench for the day. It is eight o’clock in the evening, and while late night work is a familiar scenario for...

  • 7 Smart Job Hunting Tips No One Gives You

    By Landon Dowdy, CNBC

    The good news is the job market is finally rebounding. About 295,000 jobs were created last month, according to the latest Labor Department report, and unemployment fell to just 5.5 percent, the...

  • 		<p>They call him Bear.  He's a Battlefied Extraction-Assist Robot who can lift and carry wounded soldiers to safety and triage. And he's even stronger than Forrest Gump--he can carry up to 500 pounds!</p>

    Why Robots May Be Blocking Your Job Promotion

    By Cnbc Staff, CNBC

    More linebacker than running back, Baxter is a tough, reliable worker. His arm span is wide and he takes instruction well, all valuable assets on a manufacturing shop floor. Baxter is a robot and...