Health Care
  • Why Fast Food Is Making Us More Impatient

    By Maureen Mackey, The Fiscal Times

    Why do so many Americans keep scarfing down fast food when we know it’s so bad for us ? Despite all the information we have about healthy eating, we’re still clogging our arteries and risking life-...

  • Obama’s Health Care Mandate: My Whim Is My Command

    F. A. Hayek wrote in his seminal book The Road to Serfdom that command economies were doomed to failure for the same reasons that Ludwig von Mises postulated two decades earlier. The millions of...

  • Escalating costs are forcing medical schools to grapple with teaching about the financial side of their profession.

    Is Your Pharmacist the New Doc in Town?

    By Anna Gorman, Kaiser Health News

    Jill Freedman felt like her heart was jumping out of her chest. She knew her blood pressure was too high and feared having a heart attack or a stroke. "I was freaking out," said Freedman, 55, of...

  • The Fast Food Chemical We Can’t Escape

    By Katie Little, CNBC

    This week, Subway found out customers don't like eating a chemical found in yoga mats, shoe rubber and synthetic leather. After one blogger's petition against azodicarbonamide generated widespread...

  • CVS Cigarette Decision Is a Daring Bet on the Future

    By Suzanne McGee, The Fiscal Times

    It’s now up to CVS CEO Larry Merlo, himself a former pharmacist, to prove that the gamble will pay off in the former of greater customer loyalty and above-average growth rates in both revenues and...