Health Care
  • Part-Time Gov’t Workers to Get Health Coverage

    By Eric Katz, Government Executive

    Thousands of previously ineligible federal employees will soon have access to the government-sponsored health care package, the Office of Personnel Management announced Tuesday. Currently, temporary...

  • VA Could Get $17 Billion in Rare Compromise Deal

    By David Lawder, Reuters

    Leaders of the Veterans Affairs committees in the U.S. Congress said on Monday they had struck a rare compromise deal on legislation that provides about $17 billion in funding to ease long waiting...

  • 10.3 Million People Are Now Newly Insured

    By Dan Mangan, CNBC

    A day after a stunning court decision that threatens a crucial component of Obamacare, the federal government said Wednesday that 10.3 million adults have become newly insured by the close of open...

  • Obamacare Court Decisions: What You Must Know

    By Mary Agnes Carey, Kaiser Health News

    On Tuesday two U.S. appeals courts issued conflicting rulings on a subject that’s important to millions of people: the availability of subsidies to help purchase coverage under the health-care law...

  • How An Obamacare Tweak Could Save Insurers Millions

    By Brianna Ehley, The Fiscal Times

    The insurance industry is quietly pushing lawmakers to tweak a very wonky rule in the Affordable Care Act that could save them money and significantly reduce the amount consumers would receive in...