IRS Employees Getting $70 M in Bonuses

IRS Employees Getting $70 M in Bonuses

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The scandal-ridden Internal Revenue Service is doling out $70 million in employee bonuses, despite the White House’s directive to cancel bonuses due to sequestration, according to information obtained by the office of Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA).

Grassley told the Associated Press that the IRS, which has spent the last month embroiled in controversy over its targeted scrutiny of conservative nonprofits and its $49 million in conference spending, would pay the bonuses because of an agreement with the employees' union.

"The IRS always claims to be short on resources," Grassley said. "And it appears to be making an extra effort to give the bonuses despite opportunities to renegotiate with the union and federal instruction to cease discretionary bonuses during sequestration."

The IRS confirmed that it is negotiating with the union over the matter and did not dispute Grassley's claim that the bonuses are imminent.   -  Read more at CNBC

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HOUSE SPLIT BY ONLINE SALES TAX     GOP lawmakers are split over the online sales tax bill that easily cleared the Senate last month. The measure allows states to force online U.S. retailers to collect sales taxes on purchases from their residents — even if the business has no offices, stores or warehouses inside that state.
Republican governors are pushing hard for the bill’s passage. A group of staunch conservatives are refusing to cave to any new taxes. Even Speaker John Boehner has expressed concern over the bill, saying that it could hurt Internet start-ups.  -  Read more at The Hill

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Brianna Ehley is the former Washington Correspondent for The Fiscal Times. She is currently a reporter on Politico's health care team in Washington, D.C.