On December 14, Moody’s Analytics published a report on how much fiscal space major countries have before running into serious debt problems.
On December 12, the Congressional Budget Office posted a study of financial transactions taxes and their potential economic impact.
A December 12 YouGov poll found that raising taxes on millionaires is the most popular means of financing an extension of the payroll tax holiday.
On December 6, the Political Economy Research Institute published a study examining the employment effects of different types of government spending.
On December 6, the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities published a study which found that no country has a constitutional balanced budget requirement as severe as the one proposed by Republicans for the U.S.
On December 1, the Congressional Budget Office published a study of spending patterns for prescription drugs under Medicare Part D.
On November 30, the Senate Judiciary Committee held a hearing on a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution and the perils of constitutionalizing budget policy.
In a November 29 commentary, economist Daniel Gros argued that while fiscal austerity would reduce economic growth, it was still necessary.
On November 16, the Congressional Research Service posted a report on contributions made by the public to the Treasury to reduce the debt. In FY2011, $3.3 million was contributed.
Bruce Bartlett is an American historian and columnist who focuses on the intersection between politics and economics. He blogs daily and writes a weekly column for The Fiscal Times. Bartlett has written for Forbes Magazine and Creators Syndicate, and his work is informed by many years in government, including as a senior policy analyst in the Reagan White House. He is the author of seven books including his new book: The Benefit and the Burden .
This is the last edition of Bartlett’s Notations. Thanks to my readers.