In a December 6 commentary, University of Chicago law professor Richard Epstein argued against using private legal action through the courts to deal with global warming. It should be dealt with through coordinated action at the federal level, he says.
On December 6, the World Bank posted a working paper examining how green policies can be integrated into growth policy.
A December 1 Pew poll found that the number of Americans who believe there is solid evidence of global warming has risen to 63 percent from 59 percent last year and 57 percent in 2009. Even among Republicans, the number has risen to 43 percent from 38 percent last year and 35 percent in 2009. However, the percentage of people who believe in global warming is still well down from what it was before 2009.
On November 29, Goldman Sachs published a report on the future of greenhouse gas emissions policy. It notes that many high-growth nations are unilaterally adopting policies to deal with climate change and many private companies are seeing investment opportunities in that area as well.
On November 16, the United Nations Environment Program published a report on ways in which “green” investments can stimulate economic growth.
On November 14, the Brattle Group released a survey of energy experts. They forecast a drop of 5 to 15 percent in U.S. electricity consumption and 5 to 10 percent in natural gas consumption by 2020 due to increasing energy efficiency and improved technology.
On November 9 the International Energy Agency published its latest world energy outlook. It projects a one-third increase in energy demand and a 20 percent rise in greenhouse gas emissions by 2035, with the bulk of growth coming from developing economies.
On November 4, the Congressional Research Service published a report on exports of natural gas from the U.S.
On October 10, the National Research Council issued a report on the economic and environmental effects of expanding renewable energy use.
I last posted items on this topic on October 6.
Bruce Bartlett is an American historian and columnist who focuses on the intersection between politics and economics. He blogs daily and writes a weekly column for The Fiscal Times. Bartlett has written for Forbes Magazine and Creators Syndicate, and his work is informed by many years in government, including as a senior policy analyst in the Reagan White House. He is the author of seven books including his new book: The Benefit and the Burden.