Edmund Andrews
EDMUND L. ANDREWS is a journalist, author and analyst in Washington specializing in economic policy and financial regulation. He is currently a senior adviser to Georgetown University's Center for Financial Institutions, Policy and Governance, at the McDonough School of Business.
For nearly two decades, from 1990 through 2009, he was a business and economics correspondent for The New York Times. From 2002 until December 2009, he covered the full gamut of economic policy from Washington—including the financial crisis from its first rumblings. Before that, he spent six years as the Times' European Economics Correspondent, based in Frankfurt, Germany. And from 1990 to 1996, he covered telecommunications and technology policy for the Times in Washington.
Mr. Andrews is also the author of BUSTED: Life Inside the Great Mortgage Meltdown (W.W. Norton, May 2009), his first-person account of excesses at all levels that led to the epic financial crisis.
Mr. Andrews graduated magna cum laude from Colgate University in 1978, where he studied international relations. He received a master's degree in journalism from Northwestern University's Medill School of Journalism in 1981.
He began his career as a reporter in 1979 in Hot Springs, AK. After graduating from Northwestern, he worked two years as an assignment editor in Washington for CNN and for six years as a freelance magazine writer specializing in business.
He is married to Patricia Barreiro and lives with his family in Silver Spring, MD.
Recent Stories By Edmund Andrews:
Some Experts Are Bracing for a Default on U.S. DebtOctober 18, 2010
If Tea Party-powered Republicans take control of the House, would the United States government be at greater risk of defaulting on its debt? Some analysts are starting to think so. The concerns don’t...
Bankers Break 2009 Bonus Record: $144 BillionOctober 12, 2010
Just two years after the Treasury and Federal Reserve bailed out big banks with hundreds of billions of dollars in capital infusions, loan guarantees, emergency lending programs and some of the...
Anti-Stimulus Ads Could Derail Democrats’ CampaignsOctober 8, 2010
So how did “stimulus’’ become a dirty word? With unemployment still stuck at nearly 10 percent, it’s no surprise that most voters are sour about President Obama’s $800 billion program of tax cuts and...
Deficit Commission at a Stalemate as Time Runs OutSeptember 30, 2010
With just two months left before President Obama’s bipartisan fiscal commission is supposed to recommend proposals for avoiding a fiscal train wreck, the odds of reaching a consensus by the Dec. 1...
Alice Rivlin: 'Stars Aligned' on Social SecuritySeptember 23, 2010
A key Democrat on President Obama’s deficit commission predicted on Wednesday that the bipartisan panel would come up with recommendations to shore up Social Security. “The stars are aligned,’’ said...
Poverty at Highest Level since ’94; Income Remains FlatSeptember 16, 2010
The steep economic recession pushed 3.8 million more people into poverty last year and drove the nation’s poverty rate to its highest level since 1994, according to data released by the Census Bureau...
Are Democrats Warming Up to Republican-Style Tax Cuts?September 14, 2010
It’s hardly the Senate’s moment of glory, but Democrats shut down a GOP filibuster on Tuesday and cleared the way for passing a bill to buck up small business. The Senate, in a 61 to 37 vote, ...
Boehner Budget Rollback would Cut Scores of AgenciesSeptember 14, 2010
House Republican Leader John Boehner’s plan for rolling back nonsecurity government spending to 2008 levels as part of an overall economic strategy would force cuts in many domestic programs far...
Obama’s New Econ Guru Holds the Line on Tax CutsSeptember 13, 2010
Austan D. Goolsbee, whom President Obama promoted on Friday to head the White House Council of Economic Advisers, is known for his wisecracks and even his appearances as an amateur stand-up comic at...
Obama Open to "Discussion" of Bush Tax CutsSeptember 10, 2010
At his eighth White House news conference on Friday, President Obama kept up his pre-election attacks on Republicans over economic policy, but he stopped short of flatly rejecting a temporary...
AMT: A Bomb that Could Grind the Economy to a HaltSeptember 10, 2010
All signs point to a political stalemate on the big tax issues this fall, including both the future of the Bush tax cuts and President Obama’s new tax proposals to spur hiring and investment. But...
Republicans Dismiss Big Rescue EffortsSeptember 8, 2010
If Republicans were back in control, what would they be doing to revive the economy? GOP leaders have been notoriously short on specifics, but their broad themes suggest that Republicans wouldn’t...