Vahan Janjigian
VAHAN JANJIGIAN is chief investment officer at Greenwich Wealth Management LLC, a registered investment adviser, and editor of the Forbes Special Situation Survey investment newsletter. He holds a B.S. degree in general science from Villanova University and an M.B.A. and Ph.D. in finance from Virginia Tech. He is a Chartered Financial Analyst. Dr. Janjigian has taught courses in corporate finance, financial theory, investments, accounting and economics at the University of Delaware, Northeastern University and Boston College. He is the author of Even Buffet Isn’t Perfect, published in 2008.
Recent Stories By Vahan Janjigian:
The Coming Housing BoomJune 30, 2011
Yes, you read that right. Get ready for the next housing boom. You're probably thinking, “How can that be?” With all the mortgage delinquencies and foreclosures, and record levels of housing...
High Gasoline Prices: Don’t Blame GougingApril 26, 2011
The price of gasoline is perhaps the price consumers notice more than any other. They see it prominently displayed every time they drive by a gas station and they feel it right in their wallet every...
Does Buffett Have a Corporate Governance Problem?April 1, 2011
In Warren Buffett’s annual letter to Berkshire Hathaway shareholders, in addition to discussing the company’s business operations, he typically singles out individuals he believes have done an...
Dashed Hopes as Housing Heads for a Double DipMarch 30, 2011
Last year at this time there was real hope that the housing market was on a sustained path to recovery. The S&P/Case-Shiller Index showed home prices in January 2010 up 4.3 percent from their...
The Selloff in Stocks is Just Getting StartedMarch 11, 2011
Stocks suffered a resounding selloff Thursday, with major indexes falling almost 2 percent. The selling was blamed on any number of factors, including Moody’s downgrade of Spain’s credit rating,...
Buffett’s Annual Letter Doesn’t DisappointMarch 1, 2011
Warren Buffett’s much-anticipated annual letter to Berkshire Hathaway shareholders was released this past weekend. Along with the regular pithy and humorous comments Buffett is famous for (such as...
Should Deutsche Borse Consult Shakespeare?February 17, 2011
A long time ago, a young girl named Juliet asked Romeo, “What’s in a name?” Unfortunately, Juliet learned that the wrong name could mean death. Ever since Deutsche Borse announced its intention...
Four Reasons to Worry About a Double-Dip RecessionFebruary 14, 2011
Each month, the Conference Board publishes its index of Leading Economic Indicators, which has been on the rise. The stock market is one of 10 leading indicators and the S&P 500 is up 30 percent...
Don’t Blame Egypt for Stock SelloffJanuary 31, 2011
You can try blaming the rioting in Egypt, lower-than-expected GDP growth, and disappointing guidance from bellwether Amazon for Friday’s selloff in stocks. Most likely, however, the real culprit was...
It’s Official: Obama Moves Toward the CenterJanuary 26, 2011
The goal of every first-term president is to secure a second term. When Republicans made huge gains in the mid-term elections last November, President Barack Obama referred to it as a “shellacking...
Inflation Ahead: Watch Your Wallet, Your InvestmentsJanuary 18, 2011
Prices for goods and services are rising, which can be bad news for consumers and for investors. The Consumer Price Index climbed 0.5 percent on a seasonally adjusted basis from November to December...
A College Education at Any Price?January 11, 2011
The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) has an interesting graphic on its website. On one side is a chart showing the unemployment rate in 2009 by level of education. Although the average unemployment...