STAN COLLENDER, a partner in the Washington, D.C. office of Qorvis Communications, writes the very popular column, “Fiscal Fitness,” which is published weekly by the Capital Hill newspaper Roll Call. Between 1997 and 2007, Stan wrote a weekly column "Budget Battles" for nationaljournal.com. He is also the author of The Guide to the Federal Budget, which was one of the most assigned texts on the subject during the 19 years when an annual edition was published. In 2009, The Wall Street Journal named Stan’s blog, "Capital Gains and Games," as one of the top 25 economic blogs in the United States.
Recent Stories By Stan Collender:
Fiscal Fissures Not Likely to Faze GOPDecember 20, 2010
Not only is the GOP’s deficit-reduction-vs.-tax-cuts fissure not new, it almost always has been settled in favor of the tax reduction wing of the party. So, though it’s hard not to agree with Larry...
GOP Never Serious About Reducing Deficit December 7, 2010
After complaining bitterly during the midterm elections that budget deficits were a tool of the devil, and using those complaints to convince people to vote against Democrats, the GOP has now agreed...
Action, Not Chest-Thumping, Needed on the DeficitApril 30, 2010
Larry Haas is wrong about the need for, in his words, “chest-thumping” about the deficit. We’ve had plenty of fire-and-brimstone fiscal preaching over the past decade. In fact, that’s all...
Dismal Outlook for Deficit CommissionApril 25, 2010
I wish it were otherwise, but I have very little confidence that the deficit reduction commission that is beginning its work this week will be able to accomplish much that is of any value. My...
Major Spending Bills May Wait Until After ElectionApril 14, 2010
For logistical, procedural and political reasons, the Democratic congressional leadership is seriously considering postponing votes on the fiscal 2011 appropriations bills — the legislation that...
Is Federal Budget History About To Repeat Itself?April 9, 2010
When a federal budget resolution was before Congress for the first time in 1975, some members of both houses balked because, in effect, they were being asked to approve the federal deficit. Although...
Is Federal Budget History About To Repeat Itself?April 9, 2010
When a federal budget resolution was before Congress for the first time in 1975, some members of both houses balked because, in effect, they were being asked to approve the federal deficit. Although...
Budget Brokers vs. Deficit DiehardsApril 1, 2010
Deficit hawks, bond market vigilantes, congressional Republicans, Blue Dog Democrats and a few others are about to start publicly agitating for deficit reductions this year. When Congress returns to...
Health Care Budget Projections Spark Political ‘Food Fight’March 24, 2010
It was a bruising clash between two political heavyweights—over federal budget accounting rules, of all things. Former Obama campaign manager David Plouffe and former Bush administration political...
The Federal Budget and Deficit Will Soon Return to the HeadlinesMarch 17, 2010
The federal budget all but disappeared in early February, just after President Obama sent his plan for fiscal 2011 to Capitol Hill. In the more than six weeks since that budget was released, we’ve...
Reducing Spending Means Getting Rid of More Than Waste, Fraud and AbuseMarch 10, 2010
Those who have demanded and supported cuts in federal spending over the years have insisted that the reductions could be done more or less painlessly. The government operates so inefficiently, they...
Reducing Spending Means Getting Rid of More Than Waste, Fraud and AbuseMarch 10, 2010
Those who have demanded and supported cuts in federal spending over the years have insisted that the reductions could be done more or less painlessly. The government operates so inefficiently, they...