Obamacare in 2015 by the Numbers
Policy + Politics

Obamacare in 2015 by the Numbers

REUTERS/Jessica Rinaldi

Obamacare’s final tally for this year’s open enrollment period is in—some 10 million people purchased health coverage through the law’s state and federal exchanges—surpassing the administration’s goal of 9.1 million enrollees.

While the news is good for the administration, it’s shadowed by a looming Supreme Court ruling—expected in the next few weeks—that could yank subsidized health insurance from more than 6 million Obamacare enrollees who bought their coverage on the federal exchange.

Related: Here’s What Might Happen if the Supreme Court Rules Against Obamacare

A ruling against the Obama administration in the high-stakes case of King v. Burwell could have a dramatic impact on the president’s health care law, the millions of people who have coverage through the Affordable Care Act, as well as the entire U.S. health care system.

The Court is expected to decide whether language in the ACA allows enrollees on the federal exchange to receive subsidized coverage—or if the tax credits were intended exclusively for people enrolled in states that set up their own exchanges. The ruling is expected in late June, but for now, here’s a snapshot of Obamacare and health insurance in the U.S. in 2015.

150 million The number of Americans who get their health insurance through an employer.

70 million  The number of people getting health coverage through Medicaid or the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) after 30 of states expanded their Medicaid programs under the ACA.

16.4 million  The number of people who have gained health coverage through the ACA—whether through the law’s health exchanges or Medicaid expansion, according to March figures from the Obama administration.

10.2 million The number of 2015 Obamacare enrollees who paid for their premiums in the first month.

1.5 million The number of 2015 Obamacare enrollees who didn’t pay for their premiums in the first month.

2.3 million The number of young adults who gained coverage this year through an Obamacare provision that allows them to stay on their parent’s plan until they turn 26-years-old.

11.9 percent The current uninsured rate—the lowest ever recorded by Gallup. The pollsters attribute the record-low uninsured rate to the health exchanges and Medicaid expansion set up under the Affordable Care Act.

31 million  The number of Americans with insurance who say they still can’t afford medical treatment. These people are considered “underinsured” because they are enrolled in high-deductible policies with high out of pocket costs.

24 million  The number of people the Obama administration wants to expand access to health coverage to by 2019, according to previous goals set by HHS.

6.4 million  The number of people who paid for their subsidized premiums through the federal exchange and who stand to lose their subsidized health coverage if the Supreme Court sides with the plaintiff in King v. Burwell.

$1,737,476,989  The amount of federal subsidies the people above would lose out on each month if the Court rules against the administration in King, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation.

287 percent   The average percentage that premiums would increase if subsidies no longer applied to plans purchased on the federal exchange if SCOTUS rules against the administration, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation.

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