While politicos and pundits, analysts and experts continue to pore over President Obama’s 2014 budget blueprint for its policy nuances, tax implications and more, we thought an instant visual picture of what the president emphasized (or not) in his latest budget message would be worth a thousand words.

Using the text of President Obama’s budget message from yesterday, we created a word cloud, which emphasizes the words most often used.
It’s no surprise that creating new jobs, fixing the economy, and attempting to shrink the deficit appear in big type here.
But you’ll be hard pressed to find the word “tax,” though the president is proposing the “Buffett rule,” a minimum tax on incomes of a million dollars or more named for investor Warren Buffett.
RELATED: President President Obama’s 2014 Budget Message
Obama’s budget also renews a proposal to cap tax deductions at 28 percent for households makings roughly $250,000 or more. It would limit the value of all deductions determining taxable income, including the charitable contributions, mortgage interest, health care expenses, and the exemption for municipal bond interest.
Also noteworthy: Can you find the words “long term” in here anywhere? (They’re in the tiniest of type.) That’s because the president is primarily proposing short-term economic stimulus through a $50 billion infrastructure program.
What you won’t find at all here, unlike in Paul Ryan’s House GOP budget: the words “balanced budget.”