Marco Rubio’s Weird Obamacare Twitter Q&A
Policy + Politics

Marco Rubio’s Weird Obamacare Twitter Q&A

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Why so many politicians and public figures continue to think that live Twitter Q&As are a good idea is a bit of a mystery, but it’s usually good for a laugh, as Florida Sen. Marco Rubio demonstrated this morning.

Perhaps the epic #askJPM debacle of last year, when Twitter trolls took over a JPMorgan Chase executive’s Q&A, had faded into memory, and clearly Rubio must have missed controversial education reformer Michelle Rhee’s abortive attempt at a Q&A earlier this week, which was likewise overrun by her detractors. Whatever the reason, Rubio got the ball rolling at 9:30 a.m. with the following.

He followed that one up at 9:04 with a second tweet, correcting the typo, and then the questions started coming in, the first from a Rubio constituent in Florida.

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Perhaps wisely, Rubio ignored that one and answered a friendlier query.

Rubio plainly wanted to keep the focus on the supposed “bailout” of insurers under the Affordable Care Act, but Twitter Q&As, as he quickly learned, have no rules.

As the list of questions grew longer, some folks began noticing something peculiar. This Q&A had plenty of Q’s, but the A’s were few and far between.

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Shortly afterward, with exactly two answers to his credit, Rubio warned everyone that time was running out.

Eventually, people started getting restless.

In the end, Rubio answered all of four questions, blaming his lack of responsiveness on a bad WiFi connection.

He ended the exchange 25 minutes after it began…

…but hours later the #AskMarcoRubio hastag was still going strong.

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