Suzanne McGee spent more than 13 years as a staff reporter for The Wall Street Journal in Toronto, New York, and London. After leaving the Journal in 2002, she became a freelance contributor to more than a dozen business publications, including Barron's, The Financial Times, Institutional Investor, and INC. When she needs a change of pace, Suzanne writes about the art world and philanthropy.
Recent Stories By Suzanne McGee:
The Fight Over CEO Pay Disclosure May Not Be Over YetAugust 6, 2015
Better late than never? That may be the feeling among exhausted advocates of the CEO pay ratio disclosure rule that the Securities and Exchange Commission finally approved on Wednesday. It has now...
‘Go Set a Watchman’: Why Mixed Reviews Won’t Stop Harper Lee’s BlockbusterJuly 14, 2015
The first reviews of Harper Lee’s “Go Set a Watchman” began to trickle in days before its scheduled publication today. Not all of those earlier readers have been kind. Although the Guardian described...
Your Summer 2015 Reading Guide: 6 Hot Nonfiction PicksJune 15, 2015
For many readers, the idea of picking up a nonfiction tome during the summer is anathema. The very word — “nonfiction” — somehow feels weightier, as if absorbing the book’s contents is going to...
Are Activist Investors a $100 Billion Drag on the Economy?June 12, 2015
Activist investors are busier than ever. They are popping up more frequently — undertaking twice as many campaigns as they did only a decade ago, according to McKinsey & Co. They’re also chasing...
7 Exciting Startups That Could Change the Way You ReadJune 9, 2015
For those in the know, one of the sleepiest corners of the country’s largest annual book trade show is rapidly becoming its most interesting. Without Gloria Steinem, Julianne Moore or even Snooki on...
6 Unsung Novels You Should Read This SummerJune 7, 2015
Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you know that this is the summer that you’ll be able to finally read Harper Lee’s kinda-sorta sequel to “To Kill A Mockingbird.” Entitled “Go Set a Watchman”...
Time to Make CEO Pay Match Shareholder PerformanceMay 1, 2015
This should have been as easy as voting in favor of mom and apple pie. Nonetheless, in the sharply divided ranks of the Securities and Exchange Commission’s board, the five members split straight...
Do Three Hot IPOs Signal a New Market Trend?April 19, 2015
Just as one swallow doesn’t make a spring, a handful of successful initial public offerings don’t signal that the long winter chill in the market for venture capital-backed IPOs is at an end. In...
Mutual Funds: Why Vanguard Won 2014, and What That Means for 2015January 11, 2015
Among the stock market’s big winners in 2014, Vanguard stood tall. That’s not all that remarkable, really: It has now been more than a decade since a mutual fund company other than Vanguard dominated...
The Best Books of 2014: 5 Nonfiction FavoritesDecember 22, 2014
I shared my favorite fiction of 2014 yesterday. Today it’s on to the nonfiction. The authors who made my list all had a clear narrative arc in place — a point of departure and a point of arrival — so...
The Best Books of 2014: Our 5 Favorite NovelsDecember 21, 2014
This is the time of year when booklovers feel overwhelmed, not only by the choice of books at hand, but by the lists. One after another, The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Atlantic,...
New Data Shows Santa Claus Is Worth a Mere $139,924 a YearDecember 9, 2014
So, just how much does Santa Claus pocket for his Christmas Eve sprint around the world — not to mention all the work he does year round maintaining those naughty and nice lists and supervising the...