As the Washington Deputy Bureau Chief, Josh Boak covers the economy, the Federal Reserve, and Capitol Hill politics. He previously worked on the staffs of POLITICO, The Chicago Tribune, and The Toledo Blade. Educated at Princeton and Columbia universities, Boak received the Livingston Award for a series about the Ohio economy and was a Pulitzer finalist for his articles about troubling investments made by that state's government. He also worked as a researcher/reporter on Bob Woodward's book,Obama's Wars (2011) and spent time freezing in the Afghan desert for The Washington Post.
Recent Stories By Josh Boak:
GOP Budget Strategy Takes Obamacare off the TableOctober 28, 2013
Congressional Republicans likely have the upper hand the next round of budget talks, since the GOP has demonstrated a willingness to accept the sequestration spending cuts that Democrats hope to...
Obamacare’s ‘Monkey Court’ Hearings: What We’re LearningOctober 24, 2013
Today’s congressional hearings about the flawed Obamacare website quickly crashed into absurdity. The House Energy and Commerce Committee has been hearing testimony from four federal contractors who...
Obamacare 404 Error: No Place to Hide for SebeliusOctober 24, 2013
Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius faces a devastating glitch in her credibility and her career, after the atrociousrollout of the Obamacare online insurance exchanges. Last...
Three Budget Games at the $3.6 Trillion TableOctober 23, 2013
Federal spending should exceed $3.6 trillion next year—and Democrats and Republicans are ready for a budget fight that will likely go down to the penny. Congress is returning after having voted last...
Government Jobs Saved the Economy Last MonthOctober 22, 2013
The start of the new school year saved the September jobs report. Released on Tuesday because of the partial government shutdown, the payroll figures showed that 148,000 jobs were added last month...
More Shutdown Fallout for the GOP in the SenateOctober 22, 2013
By pursuing a failed government shutdown strategy, Republicans may have once again snatched defeat from the jaws of victory in next year’s battle for control of the Senate. The GOP had a better than...
Obamacare Poll Shows Devastating Consumer ResponseOctober 21, 2013
The Gallup Organization has released a devastating new poll about Obamacare, upending the argument from Democrats that the health insurance program is generating a lot of interest. A shocking 71...
House GOP Suffers Epic Collapse in Public SupportOctober 21, 2013
CNN released a new poll on Monday with terrible news for the GOP—54 percent of Americans think it’s “bad for the country” that Republicans control the House of Representatives. Only 38 percent...
Can An Army of Private Programmers Fix Obamacare? October 21, 2013
Over the past three weeks, Obamacare seems to have combined the annoyances of government bureaucracy and the health insurance industry to create a huge snafu that federal officials have only weeks to...
Meet the Players for the 2014 Fiscal FinalsOctober 18, 2013
There’s a new bipartisan committee to save the government’s finances … and optimism of a deal abounds despite the past failures of similar panels in 2010 and 2011. As part of the Wednesday agreement...
Obama, Emboldened, Pushes 3 New Legislative GoalsOctober 17, 2013
Emboldened by his victory over House Republicans in ending the two-week-old government shutdown late Wednesday night, President Obama called on his rivals to join with him in achieving three goals: a...
After the Shutdown, the Battle Shifts to TaxesOctober 17, 2013
As House Speaker John Boehner backed down on the debt ceiling and partial government shutdown, he was already focusing on the next battle with Democrats—taxes. The country may have averted disaster...